Sunday, September 17, 2006

A 14 year old Child Held in B U N K E R

This is horrific.....We remember the other sicko in South Carolina....The evil in the world just keeps getting worse and worse. Thank God Elizabeth Shoaf is now safe.

Cops Arrest Suspect in Case of Teen Who Text-Messaged Mom After Kidnapping via Fox News.
LUGOFF, S.C. — Authorities early Sunday arrested a man they suspect kidnapped a 14-year-old girl who was able to send a cell phone text message to her mother, leading to her rescue from a booby-trapped bunker where she had been held for as long as 10 days.
Investigators arrested 37-year-old Vinson Filyaw on Interstate 20 in Richland County about 24 hours after rescuing Elizabeth Shoaf, said Sheriff Steve McCaskill in neighboring Kershaw County.
Filyaw will be charged with kidnapping, possession of an incendiary device and impersonating an officer, he said.
He said more charges likely will follow after investigators interview Shoaf. Police are letting her rest but probably will talk to her Monday about the Sept. 6 abduction and ordeal that followed.
"The big relief was when we found Elizabeth Shoaf alive and well," McCaskill said. "But it is a great relief when you get criminal of this type out of society and behind bars."

Shoaf was found by deputies about a mile from her home in a 15-foot deep hole in the side of a hill that was covered with plywood. The bunker had a hand-dug privy with toilet paper, a camp stove and shelves made with cut branches and canvas. [read more]

This is the second case this year in South Carolina involving an abducted teenage girl taken to an underground hideout.
Kenneth Hinson of Hartsville is charged with kidnapping two 17-year-old girls March 14 and taking them to a closet-sized dungeon behind his home. Authorities said the girls freed themselves and walked to safety, and Hinson was captured after a four-day manhunt.

I reported on Hinson (pictured dungeon) back in March also living in South Carolina....I am so glad that S.C. has passed a new law to put these monsters on death row.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Good Bye to The Blogging Tories Blogroll (UPDATED)

I have been endorsing The Blogging Tories Blogroll for almost a year without my blog listed. I have family, friends, a business partner and readers that reside in Canada and I visit frequently Canadian Blogs. In addition, I post on Canada news occasionally. Unfortunately, I was informed that my blogs were not acceptable to be added to their blogroll. There is a link to join and it did not state you had to live in Canada to place their icon, roll on your blog and join, only to email Stephen or Craig that you had added them to your site. Sounds alittle misleading to me for endorsing their site.

Sorry friends and readers that visit their site from this blog, you will have to go through other means to find their site from this point on. Very soon, this removal of their blog roll will no longer be on my main blog site either and this post will be transferred to Assorted Babble. Note: The link above will be removed in the near future and wishing them the best with their website. Bye-Bye!!


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Attention to my friends and Barry at Blogs for Fox, Blogs for Condi, The Royal Flush, and many other conservative blogs that endorse their site, this may be something to consider. At least, Captain Ed was allowed on there.

Click here for Main Home Blog site.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Kids Need Protection

A blogger friend of mine, Jessica wrote me about Debbie that owns the site Kids Need Protection and her call for help and support at this time. Let me start by inserting from her website and some information.
I've been catching sexual offenders for 10 years now but for the past 6 years the focus of my work has mainly been catching child pedophiles on the Internet and I have put many behind bars. More
On the main home page, you will find a list under -- Facts every parent should know
About My Work For The Children...
I have dedicated the last ten years of my life to catching sexual offenders. My two children were sexually abused at a day care center by a pedophile. My daughter was only 2-years-old at the time. It totally and utterly devastated me. I never want another child to have to experience that.

I've been catching sexual offenders for 10 years now but for the past 6 years the focus of my work has mainly been catching child pedophiles on the Internet and I have put many behind bars. The children's success stories have been featured in many newspapers and magazines. Each time I close a case I consider it another victory for the children. I have volunteered my time over the last decade and have made it my personal mission to save children from sexual offenders. I created this web site so that more parents and children would become aware of the danger that awaits online. The Internet can be a wonderful tool when used properly. However, parents must educate themselves regarding the good and the bad so that they can teach their children how to use it safely. I am asking all concerned parents to join me in the fight against child pornography and sexual abuse. My personal motto has always been that "I will save the children", but 2 is always better than one, and through volunteer work or donations; together, we can save the children.
Thank God for people like Debbie and others that go over and beyond to help protect our nation's children, that includes your children too. Please go and visit Debbie's site and if your heart leads you, I'm sure that your email, support, and/or anything you can contribute would be more than appreciated. Sometimes just a thank you can make a huge difference.

Just an added note: Debbie has appeared on the Montel Williams TV Show and the section under In the News -- Crime Net Weekly conducts a Special Feature Interview, please be sure to read it.

Right now, Debbie truly needs help to keep her site up and I ask for ones if possible to post on Kids Need Protection, hopefully with all the readers that visit our blogs...this can be one small step forward to help the children against these monster pedophiles that wish harm our children.