Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Honduras Election for President

Hondurans awaiting the results of Sunday’s presidential election had to wait until this morning to find out that it was most likely, Liberal party candidate Manuel “Mel” Zelaya. The supreme electoral tribunal (TSE) took longer than expected to announce results from the presidential voting that took place Sunday throughout Honduras but an exit poll of 120,000 voters conducted by Honduran television station Televicentro put Zelaya in the lead by 7 per cent. Full Story

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Gen. Ramsey Clark arrives in Baghdad

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Iraqi police arrested eight Sunni Arabs in the northern city of Kirkuk for allegedly plotting to assassinate the investigating judge who prepared the case against Saddam Hussein, a senior police commander said Sunday. The announcement came as former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark arrived in Baghdad, airport officials said, apparently to aid in Saddam's defense. Breaking News: Full Story

Interesting views from Texas Fred

OH holy COW what next!!!!! ?????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says Theodore’s World

UPDATED INFO: From Gateway Pundit - Ramsey Clark arrives in Iraq, Vows to Save Butcher

Voting Day in Honduras

Voting for a new president is taking place in Honduras, with both leading candidates pledging to crack down on gang violence.
Porfirio Lobo of the governing National Party is facing Manuel Zelaya of the Liberals, as polls show the two right-wingers neck and neck.
Honduras suffers from crime, poverty, and unemployment of about 30%.
Sunday's vote is the seventh presidential election since 1981, when civilian rule was restored.
Mr Zelaya, 53, is a civil engineer and rancher who has previously served as investment minister.
Mr Lobo, 57, is a former communist who has pledged to introduce the death penalty for crimes such as sexual assault, kidnapping and murder. Read the rest of the story here

Earthquake Rocks Iran

Tehran, Iran, Nov. 27 – A fairly strong earthquake shook parts of southern Iran and the Iranian island of Qeshm Sunday afternoon, leaving at least 200 people injured.

The earthquake has measured 6.1 on the Richter scale.

The southern port town of Bandar Abbas was also shaken by the quake.

State media has reported that at least five people have been killed and five villages were 90 percent destroyed. Source: Iran Focus
UPDATE: Fox News
BBC News reports Deadly History of Earthquakes

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Arnold? Clemency to Tookie? Brain Damage?

If you are having trouble deciding on if Gov. Schwarzenegger should grant clemency to Stanley “Tookie” Williams read Michelle Malkin’s post and get the real story! I feel for the victims and their families.

Terrorist targeting Children

Our US soldiers have passed out dolls to the children on several occasions in Iraq. On Friday- New Low for Terrorists , Iraq seized booby-trapped same type dolls from a car trunk accusing terrorists. Each one contained a grenade or other explosives. This is an all time low going after the children of Iraq from these evil terrorists. Later in the day . Bahrain - Gulf Daily News reported "Toys Then Hell", Camp Katrina Soldier , and Gateway Pundit-Toy Stories reports more information.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

CNN Caught on Audio Tape (Listen)

We have all heard about the Big X placed on our Vice President Dick Cheney’s face during his powerful speech on Monday by CNN. CNN stated it was an accident.
Moments ago I visited one of my favorite news site Gateway Pundit he had a picture posted and many links to this story. His blog is part of a network that reports and links world news as it happens.

A viewer called CNN and taped the conversation . You have to hear this, CNN admits to doing this on purpose. Listen for yourself.

I first heard about the story at Patrick's on Tuesday on his post Communist News Network We discussed that this accident was doubtful, well now folks you have heard it for decide. I am stunned that they admitted it and was rude about it as well.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Iran's Hatred and Beyond

Iraq The Model reports a chilling report and Video of Iran's 1st Car Bomb Commercial. If you people do not realize how dangerous these people are, you need to Wake-up and QUICK. On one of my spiritual programs this morning talked about this very same thing.
UPDATE: California Conservative post Iran’s Terrorist Cartoons 11/21/05